Thursday, November 26, 2009

Our Sculptures .

Room 4 have been thinking about improving the two gardens outside our class. Mrs Weston put room 4 into groups of six. My group was thinking of doing a bird bath . We have drawn a plan and Mr Dauphin has taken some shrubs out so as we can fit all six sculptures in the gardens. We will put some pictures of our sculptures and the gardens later - Watch this space!
By Callum.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pokuru School - Our School

Room 3

This is picture of room 3. We have 27 children in our class and only 7 boys!!!!!! Our boys like us to do some boy stuff every now and then.

Our School
This is our playground it is really big.

This is our red Train. chug chug chug chug chug chug

this is our school pool

This is the first bus.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Our School - Cambridge East

Here we are at the front of our school.

This is our Year 5 and 6 Playground

This is our Year 3 and 4 Playground

This is our Year 1 and 2 Playground

From Charlotte, Emma, Callum and Anna. Room 14

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sculpture Park photos from Room 4

Did you know that the park and arboretum used to be an old quarry? It's really amazing how much work they have done. If you are ever in the Cambridge area, you must go and have a look around. I'm sure you'll enjoy it and find a sculpture you really like.

Can you tell that all of the food on this barbecue is made of glass? It look real doesn't it?
Mrs Weston

Sculpture Park

Hi everybody

On Tuesday morning rooms 4 , 5 and 15 went to the
Waitakaruru Arboretum and Sculpture park.
There was a pond with heaps of lilypads and
frogs. There was a wooden Sculpture of a
Dragon that was in a pond.There were lots of
paths. We will put some photos on later.
Keep watching.
From Nic and Callum.